Jason Jacobs

Headshot of Jason Jacobs
Jason Jacobs, Ph.D.文学副教授兼英国文学系系主任

Contact Information

x3724jjacobs@m3csl.netLibrary 221


B.A. New College of Florida M.A., Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz

Dr. 杰森·雅各布斯,文学副教授,英国文学系系主任. His research interests include vernacular narrative poetry in Old French and Italian from the High and Late Middle Ages; epic studies; lyric poetry; premodern gender and sexuality; literary theory (especially psychoanalysis, feminist theory, and queer theory); and contemporary queer politics, representation, and theory. At Roger Williams University he has taught French and Italian language courses at all levels; French literature courses from the pre- and early-modern periods; and general education courses at both the freshman and senior levels. RWU的性别创始教师的一部分 & Sexuality Studies Program, Dr. 雅各布斯还教授了一个关于性别的顶级研究研讨会 & Sexuality Studies. Dr. 2015年至2021年,雅各布斯担任通识教育副院长,2021年至2023年,担任本科研究院长,然后返回全职教学和研究. 2024年1月,他加入了该杂志 后中世纪:中世纪文化研究杂志 as co-editor-in-chief.


“Gut Feelings: on the chansons de geste’s visceral aesthetic.” 后中世纪:中世纪文化研究杂志 14.1 (2023).

“An Excess of Love.” QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking 7.1 (2020).

“Raising Gays: On Glee《网赌的十大网站》.” GLQ:同性恋研究杂志 20.3 (2014).

《网赌的十大网站》 AspremontTradition.” California Italian Studies 4.2 (2013). (forthcoming)

暴力的继承:遗产、附庸服务和征服 Charroi de Nîmes.” Exemplaria 24.4 (2012).     

与Sharon Kinoshita合著的《网赌的十大网站》. 《网赌的十大网站》 37.1 (2007).


Luke Sunderland, 古法国叙事循环:伦理与道德之间的英雄主义. Romanic Review (forthcoming).

Michael A. H. Newth, trans., 法国史诗中的女英雄:《网赌的十大网站》第二选集. H-France 15.23 (February 2015).

Madeleine Tyssens, "拉蒂尔斯的手势是一个囚犯": études sur le cycle des Narbonnais.The Medieval Review (online).

Margaret Jewett Burland, 奇怪的词语:中世纪罗兰文本传统中的复述与接受. Modern Philology 109.2 (2011).

Courses taught:

ENG 220: Literary Analysis
CORE 462: Sexual Identities
FREN 201-202: Intermediate French
FREN 310: Advanced French Grammar & Composition
FREN 350:专题:中世纪文学 & Courtly Love
GSS 420: Gender & Sexuality Studies Seminar
ITAL 101-102: Elementary Italian
ITAL 201-202: Intermediate Italian


Modern Language Association
Medieval Academy of America